What You Should Know Before Hiring a Pet Sitter
Just as some people are “dog people” and others are “cat” or “bird” people, there’s no “one size fits all” when it comes to finding the right pet sitter to meet the specific needs of you and your pet.
The pet-sitting industry has grown in recent years. This has provided pet owners with many options for choosing a professional pet sitter, whether you are looking for cat care, dog sitting, exotic bird care, pet fish care or anything else in the way of in-home pet-care services.
With more pet-sitting options and numerous online pet-sitter directories, you will need to be more prudent in your search for reliable pet care. Practice due diligence to ensure that you are using the services of a true professional pet sitter.
Finding a pet sitter to provide the right pet-care services requires an investment of time—time to do phone interviews, conduct an in-your-home meeting and thoroughly check references on those you’re considering hiring.
Finding the perfect pet sitter may take time.
Remember, it may take a little time up front to determine the pet-sitting services best suited for your situation. Once you’ve made this match, we hope you’ll agree with the hundreds of thousands of pet owners who say, “My pet sitter is worth their weight in gold!”